Go svergie, go sverige! Hehehehehe

Idag, denna söndag så ska alla som har twitter skriva, ah inte alla men iallafall alla svenska belibers skriva #kidrauhltosweden, för er som inte vet så är kidrauhl justins youtube namn :)

Bild på Justin i julas, med hans bok First sep 2 forever. Läste ut den igår igen för typ tionde gången, haha.
Här kommer några delar jag gillar mest:
"That was the christmas where i met a girl and made out with her furiously for several days straight and we went on to have the most romantic relationship in the history of man. Wait, that did not happen. But I did have fun just pranking you right there while you sat excitedly in your room reading about it. Sorry, I just had to have a little fun. Next chapter, AW, C'MOON!!" Haha, fatta själv att jag skratta när jag satt i mitt rum läste boken och så skriver han såhär!
" A certain amount of succes with the opposite sex comes down to the simple concept: don't be a jerk"
"Mom couldn't afford lessons for me, but I kew what I wanted the music to sound like .. it soaked in through my skin"